The Giostra del Saracino of Arezzo is a chivalric competition in costume , of medieval origin, among the four districts of which the city is divided. The challenge is set in the fourteenth century and consists of hitting a target, positioned in the shield of the Buratto, with a spear during a career (fast galloping) on horseback.
Each district has the right to two careers , one for each available rider, at the end of which the scores are added and the winning district of the Giostra is elected. The earliest evidence of a Giostra del Saracino in Arezzo dates back to 1260, on the occasion of the investiture of Cavalliere di Ildebrandino Gratasca.
Nowadays the re-enactment of the Saracino takes place normally twice a year always in Piazza Grande:
During the week before and after the event, fancy parties and events take place in the various districts of the city.